06 March 2006

March ~ the busy month

Your Birthdate: March 7

You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.

And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.

Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.

You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!

Your strength: Your self sufficiency

Your weakness: You despise authority

Your power color: Maroon

Your power symbol: Hammer

Your power month: July

March is a busy month for my family. Today is my birthday and my parent's anniversary (yep! My Mom was in labor on her 1-year wedding anniversary). The Queen Princess' birthday is the 12th. One of her Aunt's birthday was yesterday (the 6th). Her cousin's birthday is the 13th. I have two cousins & a friend with birthdays on the 9th. Oh! And my best friend's daughter's birthday is on the 17th.

Here in blogland, there are more March birthdays:

Ken - March 3rd
Maribel - March 9th
Iraida - March 10th
Anybody else??

Don't even ask how old I am today - I don't want to talk about it!

You may have noticed the Lent-Along button on my sidebar (while you're looking at the sidebar, check out my Flickr and put a pin on my Frappr map). Kimberly had a great idea for a way to get some UFO's finished. Read all about it - and sign up - here.

Here is a picture of my unfinished objects. Just one picture. I didn't feel like taking one of each object.
*(top left) ~ that wonderful piece of never-ending stockinette stitch will one day be a felted knitting needle case
*(top center) ~ a hat I'm knitting, using Lion Brand's Magic Stripes yarn
*(top right) ~ my Magic Loop sock
*the sock & the hat are laying on a knitted bag which will be felted, as soon as the miles of I-cord handles are finished
*under the needle case, you'll see an Irish Hiking Scarf - this is the "matching" scarf for my Odessa
*(bottom left) a felted knit bag that's already been felted - it's just waiting for the I-cord handles
*I'm also working on two triangular shawls - but since they're an ongoing thing, I'm not really considering them unfinished objects

That's it for today...MAKE it a great day!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Have a super day, I'm sending a hug to you!
Looks like you have some good UFO-age there. :)

Nancy Wetmore-Mathews said...

Have a great birthday!

Jay said...

Ya-ta-ta-ta-ta... I'm doing a birthday dance for you!