Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from www.sexiluv.com
Wishing you the best in 2007! See you next year! lol
I started it in plenty of time but then, well, Christmas stuff got in the way. Shopping, wrapping, cooking , preparing, etc. Somehow, the time got away from me & all of a sudden, it was Christmas morning & I'd only knit about 2 inches of the hat (at this point, I realized that there was NO WAY I would have it finished to give to him on Christmas).
So, after the presents were opened Christmas morning (and all of the QP's toys were taken out of the packaging - which is ANOTHER story!), I picked up the hat & knit. Christmas evening, we went to my cousin's house for our family get-together. I knit while I was there. Last night, I knit while watching tv. And then the hat was finished. I really like the pattern - very simple & quick & a great "guy" hat.
The pattern is one that I found, & printed , not long after I started knitting. It's called the Late Christmas Hat (hehe!). I used size 7 KnitPicks Options circular needles (one for the body of the hat, and then two needles once the decreases started). The yarn is Patons SWS (soy wool stripes), in "Natural Navy".
The yarn is kind of fuzzy, so I'm not sure I'll like how it looks after the hat's been worn. We'll see. It feels silky & smooth. I love the colors. I bought some of this yarn (in a different color) a few months ago, to make mittens for the QP. I made one mitten & then ripped it out because I had the thumb in the wrong place. I may make her a hat out of her SWS yarn, instead of the mittens. She was enjoying wearing this hat today (I think she just likes to take things from my room - shoes, yarn, knitted items, etc). **despite how the hat looks in that one picture, it's not lopsided at the top - that just shows my lack of photography skills today. :-)
Is anyone doing a New Year's finish up some of your wip's kind of knit along???? (just asking - because I'm thinking that I really should finish some things I have on the needles - and I know I can't be the only one!)
MAKE it a great day!
This is a picture of the QP on her 1st day of school. She was so happy to start second grade - she got the teacher she wanted and she was excited to see her friends again. I think she also likes the routine of school. There are 14 children in her class, and 13 in the other second grade class. I love the small class sizes.
This past Wednesday, the QP went to the salon & got her hair done. It was in serious need of trimming (she spent the summer in chlorine!).
She decided to try a relaxer. Here is the end result. She loves her new "do". She couldn't stop touching her hair, for hours after it was done.
I think it makes her look older. *sigh* Where does the time go??
Well, this is a busy weekend for us. And a busy week, coming up. Sunday school is starting at church. There's a beginning of the year PTF meeting at the QP's school. Brownies have started up. There are Fall fundraisers for both school and Brownies (I feel like every time I see someone I know, I'm trying to sell them something!). This weekend is my Mom's family's family reunion. Ahh, the drama of Fall!
Enjoy the weekend & remember to MAKE it a great day!
See how the stripes match??? When I bought this yarn, the lady at the yarn shop said she was never able to get this yarn to match on the second sock. I was determined to have the socks match. I can't wait to be able to wear them!! Yay Fall!!
In other news, the QP started 2nd grade last week. This is her first full week of school. She loves it. There are two second grade teachers, and she got the teacher she wanted. Alot of her friends from 1st grade are in her class. Life is good for the QP.
That's all I have for today. MAKE it a great day!!
It's new name is:
The next yarn (which used to be called Yarn #2), is this one:
It's new name is:
This name was submitted by Trek. Congratulations Trek!
And the last yarn (yes, it used to be called Yarn #3):
It's new name is:
** To all the winners, please e-mail me your name & address, so that I can send your prizes to you. Nancy, I know I have your address, but please re-send it, so that I don't have to try to remember where I put your it. My e-mail: hlthyskincanbyrs(at)verizon(dot) net - you all know to replace the (at) and the (dot) with the appropriate symbols.
What did they win, you ask?? Well, this is a knitting blog. So they won .... YARN! I'll be sending them some local yarn. It's from Lancaster County Yarns & Wools. It is hand-dyed 100% merino superwash. I'll be sending each person approx. 400 yds of it. That 400 yds is enough to make a shawl - and I'll be sending the shawl pattern, too (not that anyone HAS to make a shawl with the yarn, but in case you do WANT to make the shawl). And, I'll probably add some other little goodies to the package.
Anyone wanting to purchase Blue Lagoon, Periwinkle Ocean, or Mosaic Mayhem, e-mail me at the address listed above. All three yarns are:
100% merino wool, approx. 400 yds., 7-8 sts/1" on #1-3 needles (2.5mm-3.25mm). I'm selling each skein for $9.00.
Again, thank you to everyone who submitted names. MAKE it a great day!
A blog about knitting, my life & whatever else comes to mind.
A blog about knitting, my life & whatever else comes to mind.